
[Insights Article] Serving GenX HNW clients with Life Insurance and Trust services for the first time in Hong Kong

Lioner is taking aim at the image of the traditional life insurance industry for high net worth individuals (HNWI) with the launch of its pioneering approach in brokerage services that offers more ways of protecting families and their wealth in Asia, than ever before. It combines life insurance, family trust and fiduciary services for new generational needs.

Only two decades ago, Asia’s HNWI’s were only just beginning to talk more in depth about wealth transfer across generations – but the picture today is very different. The transitional generation is here, with masses of inherited wealth moving across jurisdictions where tax, accounting and structured trust advisory have become more important than ever.

Industry veteran, Tony Chan, says: “It’s fair to say that the HNWI insurance and the relationship model in this region haven’t changed much at all in the last 25 years. Even today, we see a clear lack of options for the emerging generations in Asia who no longer want to adopt the static life insurance policy approach that their parents opted for. 

While demand for life insurance solutions remains high, particularly during times of global uncertainty and with the pandemic pushing health and protection concerns to the top of the agenda – GenX has proven itself to be a much more focused investor in their families’ future and ready to keep up with changing wealth structures that often need to be managed across multiple jurisdictions. Because they are sandwiched between their own children and trying to balance it all to support aging parents and extended family – GenX is much more about personal investment management and comprehensive wealth planning with a 360-degree view.  

We want to disrupt the image of how typical life insurance is offered (as a static wealth tool) which is why we are partnering with world-class and reputable private banking partners and trustees, to give them seamless life insurance and trust services through our new Lioner platform.”

As a first mover that is putting the weight of its experience in Asia into Lioner, the team wants to continue to build on the protection solutions that have served the older generations well with tried and tested options, but are committed to going much further by addressing the rapidly changing needs of the individuals, businesses and families who comprise GenX and who are tasked with controlling and building family fortunes into the new era.


Tony Chan (CPA), Partner, Lioner International Group Ltd

Before joining Lioner, Tony was Group Managing Director at Private Client Services at Mercer and Senior Vice President at Marsh Private Wealth Solutions. He also held roles in wealth planning at HSBC, Tax Manager at PwC, the Inland Revenue Department of Hong Kong and KPMG. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration – BBA Accounting and Finance from the University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Laws – LLB at the University of London and is a Certified Public Accountant and belongs to the Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners.