Savings Plan
Whole Life
  • Residency: Hong Kong
  • Premium: US$2,000,000
  • Payment Term: Single Pay
  • Residency: Hong Kong
  • Sum Assured: US$10,000,000
  • Payment Term: Single Pay
Smoking Status
Your Age
Estimated Cash Surrender Value
Estimated Premium

The premium calculation is for reference only. It should not be used as the basis for any investment/ purchasing decision, nor should it be treated as a recommendation for any investment or action.


Premium generated is based on an average of multiple insurers and the final premium will be subject to further assessment of your circumstance and final approval of the insurer.


The information that you have shared in this interactive calculator will not be stored for analytical purposes whatsoever.


A levy for insurance premiums payable to the Insurance Authority (IA) by each insurance policyholder as required by law is incorporated in the calculation. The levy is a percentage of the premium payable, with a cap applied per policy per policy year. For more information about the levy, you may visit IA website (


“Age 100” refers to the policy anniversary on or immediately following the insured’s 100th birthday, whichever the earlier.