[Insights Article] Hong Kong’s CIES Scheme Creates New Wealth Management Opportunities
Since the Hong Kong Government’s official launch in March, the new Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (CIES) has recorded double-digit applications and over 1,600 enquiries as of early April as part of its drive to enhance the city’s diversity of skilled individuals and draw in new investment. The scheme is designed to attract new asset owners and their family to settle in Hong Kong, obtain local residency, and discover the city’s enormous opportunities for investment and wealth management.
[Insights Article] More work still required to strengthen the family office ecosystem in Hong Kong
Family office businesses are becoming an important component of the financial services industry in Hong Kong, not just because of the huge business potential offered to a wide range of professionals, but also because the growing number of family offices operating in Hong Kong showcases the city’s strengths as an international finance and wealth management hub.
[新闻稿] Lioner在中国拓展客户咨询服务
金融服务先驱Lioner International Group Ltd. (「Lioner」) 今天宣布成立北京分公司,在中国提供家族办公室咨询服务。该分公司将与香港和新加坡办事处协作,为高凈值(high-net-worth)客户提供独有的三合一保险、信托和家族办公室咨询服务,成就整个亚太地区实现更大的协同效应。新公司的成立展现了集团对中国经济长期增长和在全球经济上持续担任重要角色的展望和信心。有别于香港和新加坡分公司,Lioner北京分公司在中国不会以经纪人身份营运,而将专注于为高端客户提供中国目前需求甚殷的家族办公室咨询服务。